Our Reviews

Parents Reviews

Fantastic nursery with such friendly staff. My daughter loves it here, they have been so helpful in getting her settled and she loves going in. The facilities and set-up are lovely and there is such a lovely atmosphere here, would highly recommend it.
Kylie M
We’ve been really impressed with Sam & the team- the atmosphere is fantastic and activities/outings great. Apart from drop off our child is having a super time!
You guys make a super team and a very warm environment.
Parent at Little Treacles
The boys thoroughly enjoyed their time in the after - school club and are looking forward to next time, so thank you very much for that!
John Doe
As a mum returning to work, I couldn’t be happier and more relieved about the high-quality provision and care my 2-year-old receives. She loves attending Little Treacles and talks fondly about the staff and her friends there, even on the days she doesn’t attend. They are incredibly welcoming, friendly, patient and accommodating (to name but a few!) We are so grateful that our daughter goes in happily and without any hesitation. She is provided wonderful experiences to support her development and the communication from staff about her day is great. Her independence is nurtured and key skills are promoted daily. We were thrilled that they offered after-school care and holiday clubs - our eldest equally loves being at Little Treacles! The nursery just radiates warmth and care in wanting to give all children there the best opportunities, as well as supporting busy, working parents!
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I really liked the feel of Little Treacle's and it is such a relief to think we may have found the right fit. I get good vibes.
My son seems to be settling really well, he's very happy when we pick him up and has been excitedly telling us about his time with you, so thank you!